X21 Extended Study: Poetry Anthology

As outlined in class, your Extended Study is to spend at least 10 minutes studying each poem from the ‘annotated booklet’ given to you today. Read/text-code/highlight to help you revise it and annotate the poem with further points and ideas from class. LEARN the poems one-by-one.

Then, hide the study guide poem and your notes from view and try to re-annotate the CLEAN copy of the poem in ‘pack two’. Spend 5 minutes on the CLEAN poem- make sure you cover each poem in the booklet. This is to reinforce your learning, allowing you to REVISE more effectively. Please do make sure you don’t just copy notes across…this won’t be helpful. Hiding your notes will allow you to REMEMBER the poetry annotations and push your thinking.

I want you to submit the second booklet, all re-annotated, to me on the first Monday back (18th March).

Happy revising!

Hope you all have a lovely break

Mrs Smith

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