C21 Silver DofE Cycling

A reminder that students need to bring their own breakfast and lunch for the first day on Friday this week.

The group are organising meals for the rest of the expedition.

Students needs around 3000 calories per day so it is very important that students have a a hearty breakfast, ideally filling with lots of calories. Muesli and porridge are a great option for this.

At lunch, pitta breads are good with a high calorie filling such as cheese unless dairy intolerant. Nuts and dried fruits are also good for slow release energy. Crisps are not a great idea as they have little nutritional content and make you dehydrated. Chocolate can be a good energy boost, but in this weather will melt, so cereal bars and non-chocolate biscuits are better. An isotonic drink is OK, but must not be the only drink, water is going to be very important in this heat.

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