X25 Extended Study – Hegarty Maths & TTrockstars

Good afternoon

After reviewing the X25 extended study and classwork from last week (in particular the work on area) I have noticed that there are a significant number of students in year 7 that have gaps in their knowledge around important KS2 concepts which help with being able to work with area. Specific gaps I have noticed are around recall of and the use of square and cube numbers and so students have been struggling with square and cube roots.

As such I will spend some time with the students working on those concepts this week, and I have extended the deadline for last week’s HegartyMaths work from last week until Monday 11th February.


I have also set some additional HegartyMaths exercises:

Exercise 99, 100 and 101 – Square numbers, Cube numbers and Square and cube roots

These are also due on Monday 11th February.


Finally, this week in TTrockstars, I want students to earn 8000 points in the garage. This is due on Friday evening at 8pm, 8th February.


It would be really helpful this week if you could ask your son or daughter to practise recalling up to the first 12 square numbers at home.

These are:

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144


Thanks for your continued support.

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