X25 Extended Study

Year 7 students have been working on statistics during the start of their new expedition: “Wild Wild Life“.

They have learned how to find the mean, median, mode and range in a set of data, and will use these to interpret the data they have been collecting on dandelion populations around the school site.

This work will help them for the learning target:

I can use statistical methods to analyse observational data.



Over the two week break students need to return the 4 HegartyMaths exercises set on mean, median, mode and range.

They also have a quiz set for them on frogplay. We are currently trialling frogplay which allows students to quiz themselves whilst playing age appropriate games. The quiz that has been set is intended to be used as retrieval practice so that students retain the vocabulary and algorithms they have learned over the two week break.

If students need any advice, they can email me, watch the videos on HegartyMaths or there are some useful videos posted on the bottom of this page on the expedition website.




Students should complete the frogplay quiz regularly over the two week break until they consistently get over 90%. Ideally students should return to the quiz every couple of days if possible, it takes around ten minutes to complete.

Student have been given a knowledge organiser to help them with this work, this is also posted on Google Classroom.

To log in to frogplay students should go to:


The school id is:


Students saved their usernames and passwords in their browsers but can email me if they need help.


The deadline for completion is when we return from the two week break on Monday 3rd June.

Thanks for you support as always.

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